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New Construction

Starting from scratch (2 min read)

ArtistiX specializes in creating custom outdoor floorplans for each client including stone & paver patios, decorative and load-bearing retention walls, fire pits, and fireplaces, unique sculptures, water features, outdoor kitchens, pools, seating and dining areas, spas and more. As a full-service outdoor living contractor, we will both design and build your outdoor living space or artfully decorate your entire property. Our goal is to provide you with stellar design, timely installation, and unparalleled service.

We will walk your property and discuss how you want to use your space, how many people your space will host, whether you want to cook out, or swim, or both, what kind of plants you love, and whatever else will make you fall in love with your new enviroment. 

Once we have a shared vision for your space, we survey your property (if you haven't already because it's recommended). Our assessment of drainage, irrigation, sunlight, space and more will allow us to plan out the design for your space so that your living spaces are logically and conveniently placed and your landscaping will thrive where we plant it. At this time we also go over budgeting & design costs. 

Then, we will move to the design phase where our landscape designers and plant specialists will create the plans for your space with careful precision and communication with you. From there, we will propose a project schedule & our team of fully-licensed contractors will execute our plans to build your dream custom outdoor space.

ArtistiX Vision

Proposed Concept

Existing Layout

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